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TPC Scottsdale- Stadium Coruse

Bogey Boyz

Overall this course was very underwhelming and for the price, probably not worth it. The only thing that was cool about it is the fact that we went a week or so after the waste management open so the stadium was not completely taken down yet! It was cool to see the famous 16th hole and as a hack golfer myself, it was terrifying even when there was only about 50 workers there taking it down.

I give this course about a 7.1, without the stadium its in the low 6s for me. It was way overpriced, we played it 2 years ago so I cant really remember what the round was but I believe it was around $300 per person. All courses in AZ are expensive because of us snow birds going down, but this course would not have been anything to write home about without the stadium being up.

Price- too much

Cart girl- wasn’t one

Views- very basic, nothing special.

Difficulty- 7.9/10 (I had to birdie the 18th to break 100 haha), from what I remember it wasn’t an easy course. I also have gotten way better since this trip but I remember it not being easy. Good thing about desert golf though is that you don’t really have to worry about losing a ball if you want to take the time to look for it haha!

Overall-- 7.1/10


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