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Falconhead Golf Club

Bogey Boyz

This course was unreal. I have nothing negative to say about this course and I would 100% go back and play it again. It was a cold, rainy day in TX and we still had a great time. Unfortunately, it was very cold and rainy, so we didn’t get as much content as we hoped for… went for my bachelor party and we didn’t see the sun until we left. It rained the day before we played and there was rain in the forecast all day during our round so there was only one other group that showed up to play that day, and they were also from MI… 55 degrees and raining in April and we had to get out there! However, I also think this made the course play extremely long because it seemed like every approach shot we hit was from 220 out and we did a scramble. The course was soaked as ive said, so I am assuming thee ball didn’t roll a lot like it normally would here. However, the worst part of the entire day was that it was cart path only. This is not a course that plays well with cart path only at all (not that any do), but I felt like I walked 8 miles, and I didn’t even look for some of mine since we had some closer to the path. Regardless, I really enjoyed this round of golf. Greens were rolling nice even though they were soaked, course was in incredible shape and shockingly held the water well, nothing to complain about for the first time out on the course of the new season, ya dig.

Course- incredible, nothing bad to say about it. Would for sure play it again, hopefully in better conditions, and would definitely recommend it to anyone going down there.

Cart Girl- none. They also had an outing the next day so there was no food (probably didn’t expect anyone to show up anyways haha)

Price- $110 I believe is what we paid and it was a phenomenal course for this price. Greens rolled nice, course was in great condition, tee boxes weren’t beat up, pace of play was great because we were the only group out there.

Views- nothing special as far as views are concerned. Don’t get any mountain views or anything like you get in AZ but some of the holes are pretty darn cool!

Difficulty—We struggled here. Never easy to play in the rain/wet conditions but this course didn’t seem very easy at all haha unique holes that may have been playing a bit longer due to conditions, but we played a scramble and still struggled

Overall—8.5, would put it in the top of the courses I have played and one that I would like to go back to.



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